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Showing posts from May, 2013
I'm grateful for sunny days and kayaks. I'm grateful for piƱa coladas. I'm grateful for a whole day to just relax! I'm grateful for our soldiers, may they all come home soon. We had no plans for Memorial Day, which was a little lonely, but the downtime was pretty great. I sat on the patio and read a magazine. Maddie and I played some ball games, and went kayaking. Alan  didn't feel great, which was odd, so we stayed close to home. We chilled on the patio all day, and then we made a great dinner.  I wish I'd remembered the parade, but otherwise, we just relaxed, together, which we almost never do. Looking forward to more relaxing days this summer.
I'm grateful for dinner with a princess who spins in crazy circles after dinner. I'm grateful for down blankets on rainy days. I'm grateful for a nice lunch out with my family.  I'm grateful for Ashley and Kinsey coming to visit!
So grateful that my little girl wanted to watch Hairspray last night-great movie! Grateful for Pandora, which turned us on to the musical and has given us many happy mornings. Grateful for Tommy Lips, that little cutie.  Love to watch him with Maddie. I'm grateful to be knitting again! I'm grateful that we're talking about moving to SC. I'm grateful that our yard is so lovely right now. I'm grateful that I have a husband who spent all day making our yard beautiful.
I'm grateful for birthdays and anniversaries. I'm grateful for girls soccer. I'm grateful that we are all together and healthy.