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Showing posts from August, 2016
Things I love about this place... ...the beach ...Highlands & Twin Lights ...Rumson  ...Flaky Tart & French Bakery ...Red Bank ...Victory Park ...Deep Cut Gardens
I'm grateful for.... ....a fun night last night, seeing Joann and all. ....that summer is flying by! ....that the B's are going to visit us in the Catskills. .....that work is so calm.
I am grateful.... That Alan and I are going on a date! That we're trying a new place. That I have a babysitter. That Maddie had fun with Donna last night, and I got a break and now tonight I have another break. Yeah! I'm grateful for this weather, and the most beautiful beach day yesterday.
I am grateful... ...that I am not ill. ...that I am sweet and not unpleasant. ...that I am young. ...grateful for a fun day with Kayla. ...grateful to see jill tomorrow.
Grateful for a fantastic day in Cony Island yesterday. For finally getting our hot dogs. For an ocean that was just perfect for me.
I am grateful for.... a good nights sleep. coffee, coffee, coffee... Maddie's bad mood evaporating. Setting a course for sweetness and light here.
I am grateful for..... ...Maisymouse taking the heat off me. ...all that cooking last night was fun. ....the pool at the marina. So easy and nice! ....a little quiet time with "the boss" on vacation.