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Showing posts from February, 2018
Wow, I am feeling really depressed and overwhelmed today. It's tough to feel thankful or grateful, even though objectively-I know I have so much to be grateful about. Tough.
I am grateful for ....a peaceful weekend at home and lots of good sleep! Yay for sleep. .....snuggles with my dog. .....beautiful brunch with Corinda and lots of laughs. .......The Durrells of Corfu. I need more! ......laughing outloud. ......time to myself. I miss my family when they are gone but I love my time alone. ....the Longs for driving Maddie home.
Wow! M got her period! Wowie wow wow. I am grateful for my beautiful, beautiful baby girl. I love her so much. She is growing up every day but still - always will be my baby. Grateful for Alan and a nice Valentine's Day - at home and then out last night. It was fun to leave the house, though clearly-I'm still sick. I'm grateful for a few days home alone to cough and be gross without an audience. Hoping to be completely over this thing by Monday. VERY GRATEFUL that the worst of the flu has lifted, and that I can function again. That was the worst I have felt in a long time.
Grateful that ...Alan wants to take care of me. ...grateful for Nicole, I could not do all of this work myself. ...grateful for my beautiful car.