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Showing posts from June, 2017
I'm grateful for my little girl, I love her more than anything. I'm grateful that she's so outgoing and poised, I was so proud of her yesterday when Phil told me how she greeted him. I'm grateful that's she's so cute and makes me smile a lot of the time. Being a mom is the hardest thing ever. Worrying about someone else and not being able to fix things for her is just heartbreaking. She needs to fix things herself and I need to let her. But it's so hard to sit back and watch. It's so hard. I am really looking forward to the day where I feel light and happy and am free of all of this worry.
Grateful for my fun night shopping. Grateful for a good nights sleep! Grateful for my new hair. Grateful for the Gilmore Girls. Grateful for my sweet girl. Grateful to celebrate FAther's Day tomorrow.
I am grateful... ...for a few nights in the YOTEL ...for a great author dinner ....that everything at BEA went off without a hitch. Nice work, HL. ---grateful for BG. ...grateful for my friends. ...grateful for those peonies. ...grateful that summer is almost here!!! ...grateful that Maddie made the Sr team!