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Showing posts from 2018
I am grateful.... ...for my health. ...for Joyce and Al-it was nice that they hosted. ...grateful for how good Maddie was yesterday, I'm sure it was super boring for her. I don't know how to make a day down there any better.  I think I just have to refuse to do it for Christmas. Hopefully they will admit it was too much for them. Things that were good about yesterday: we were warm the turkey was good we brought the dog no one hurt themselves or spilled anything I'm still grateful the color run is over, lol.
today I am grateful.... ...that the Color Run is over. Man, that was a draining mistake on my part!! ...that I got to go to Sweden. ...that I had a nice chat with Aunt Candy this morning and got to hold the baby. He is cute!
Today I am feeling sad and alone. I think I am going to yoga later, that will make me feel better. I feel stuck. And I did not like spending that money on the couch yesterday. And my dinner came out crappy. Why bother. :(
I am grateful... for second cups of coffee that I get to stay in bed for another hour this morning for my friends I am worried about the holidays. I try to make them better every year, but it feels like it's out of my control. Sick old people-I can't do anything about that. I feel bad for Madeline-it's going to be a boring, uncomfortable 8 hours. And I feel bad for me, I want holiday traditions that we look forward to and I am trapped with this situation.
I am grateful... ....that the Color Run is over. THANK YOU!!! ...grateful for a whole day with my Aunt Candy last week. I love her so much. ...grateful for a fun night out in Red Bank with my little gal. I love her so much, too. ...grateful for Alan and his leafblower antics on Saturday at the Color Run. He made me really happy.
Very grateful for a fun night out with the Bad Girls on Saturday night. Grateful to Candace for including me yesterday and for 2 hours spent among people who speak properly. Grateful for my little girl, love her so much. Hope Weds night is fun.
Grateful for yesterday... ....wonderful yoga session ....maddie having fun with friends ....beautiful hike ....having Maddie home! ....pork chops!
I am grateful that ...we had a beautiful long weekend ...a nice few hours on the beach yesterday ...a fun 4th with my Aunt Candy!
I am grateful.... ....for a fun day at the beach Sunday ...that Maddie had a great day yesterday with an unplanned party ...for good friends and easy family ...for Aunt Candy, who makes me laugh and never gives me a hard time.
I am grateful... ...that I made it through that Core class. ...that Maddie had so much fun yesterday. I hate letting her go but I love listening to her bubble with happiness when she has a fun day with friends, paddle boarding, ice cream. have this flexible job.
Beautiful, fresh, sunny day after all that rain. I'm grateful..... .....that Maddie's four hour recital is over. Man, that was long. ....grateful to Alan's parents and Donna for joining us. ....grateful for a lovely event to go to, and for Maddie's appreciation afterward. xoxoxoxo I know the teacher's tell them to thank us-but I'm glad she did, I'm glad she thinks about how we all work together to make all this dance happen, ....grateful that this seems like the end of dance, though? Maybe the end of Kick? I hope, I hope! I'm ready for her to move on to something new. ...grateful that I was able to hang in there for that hard class today. .....grateful for the beautiful Royal wedding this weekend.
Rainy, rainy.....the Color Run is postponed. That's a load off, for now. Another thing I read lately...your life can get progressively more simple or more complicated. You choose! I guess that's the thing-I choose, right? And I need to make good choices.
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by my happiness, contentment, and all of this. Like I haven't really been alive all of these years and now I am? Like I let a whole huge part of myself be untended for  a long time. Or maybe it was growing, growing, growing all this time. One of the books that I read said if you are not connected with your body, you are not content because you are not really paying attention. I feel like I am paying attention to what is good finally, instead of what is missing. I feel like a switch flipped.
I'm grateful for a great day with my BFF. Where'd my baby body go? Excited for yoga today. Happy about this contented feeling I have all of a sudden. Where'd it come from? The yoga? The affirmations? Whatever, it's a good feeling. Madeline looked so beautiful sleeping in the sun this morning. Like a princess. I love her.
It's Mother's Day! I am grateful for my newfound peace and acceptance. I am enough. I don't know where this feeling came from....50 on the horizon, a years worth of yoga, listening to those positive meditations? But I am truly feeling like I don't need to prove myself anymore. That I don't really NEED anything. That I have everything that I need. -a loving family -a home that is warm and beautiful -a job that satisfies me -a yoga practice that keeps me sane. ;0
I am grateful... ...for a nice, new haircut and color. So fresh. ;0 ...grateful for this weather. wowie. ...grateful for lovely day in NYC on Weds. ...grateful a lovely anniversary. ...grateful for good friends!
I am grateful.... Virginia and a great yoga session. ...for that extra little foot massage and extension! Thank you! ...grateful for a nice day yesterday-great day in NYC. Happy Maddie got some shorts! Happy to go out for dinner with my family. ....grateful for that tour of MHSS, cute girls ....grateful to get togheter with Kate tonight, on such a gorgeous day! ...and now I really want a nap.
I am grateful.... for yoga, hot and my new not hot spot in AH for meditation, positive affirmation videos on youtube-they work I am fearless, I am powerful, I am joyful, I am loved, I am enough! I am grateful for a day like today, grateful for a walk along the water. Beautiful day!
How do you balance DOING things and stress? I want to push myself, but it doesn't feel good. Should I stop pushing myself?
Today I am grateful....... For a wild and woolly birthday week! A PARTY for Maddie! So happy that all her friends came and it was pinterest-worthy and cute. A beautiful day in NYC on Saturday with family, at St. Patrick's. It's not every day your dad's name is part of a mass there. Very special. A tax REFUND! I'm getting a new A sunny day today, and a sharp looking front yard after mulch day. A fun yoga session with Maddie yesterday.
Interestingly, I can't remember what made me feel so low on 2/20. Probably despair over Parkland/horrible news cycle. Today, things are feeling better. GRATEFUL ..... -for peaceful gun protests all around the country -for a beautiful demonstration in Red Bank, with over 1000 people.  -grateful that Maddie did get out of bed and come with me, and that she was inspired by it! -grateful for twitter. I still think online activism is lazy, but I like being informed and using my voice. -grateful for the few days at PLA. It was good to be back at it!
Wow, I am feeling really depressed and overwhelmed today. It's tough to feel thankful or grateful, even though objectively-I know I have so much to be grateful about. Tough.
I am grateful for ....a peaceful weekend at home and lots of good sleep! Yay for sleep. .....snuggles with my dog. .....beautiful brunch with Corinda and lots of laughs. .......The Durrells of Corfu. I need more! ......laughing outloud. ......time to myself. I miss my family when they are gone but I love my time alone. ....the Longs for driving Maddie home.
Wow! M got her period! Wowie wow wow. I am grateful for my beautiful, beautiful baby girl. I love her so much. She is growing up every day but still - always will be my baby. Grateful for Alan and a nice Valentine's Day - at home and then out last night. It was fun to leave the house, though clearly-I'm still sick. I'm grateful for a few days home alone to cough and be gross without an audience. Hoping to be completely over this thing by Monday. VERY GRATEFUL that the worst of the flu has lifted, and that I can function again. That was the worst I have felt in a long time.
Grateful that ...Alan wants to take care of me. ...grateful for Nicole, I could not do all of this work myself. ...grateful for my beautiful car.
Grateful for this beautiful snowfall! Grateful for a day at home yesterday with no interruptions. Grateful the bathroom is done and I have the house to myself. Grateful for Dabney's friendship, and Sonja, too. 2018 GOALS-NEW JOB! xoxoxoxo
I am grateful for the nice memorial service for Daddy for how sweet Maddie was that whole day for my new Uncle Carlyle! for Alan stepping up to the plate and making a great 80th birthday for his dad for Aunt Candy and Uncle Tom For hot yoga For Alan driving us home from LI plus everything in the hospital
Number one NY Resolution for 2018- STRESS LESS!  :) Grateful for what turned out to be a fun day yesterday. Grateful the ice is strong! Grateful to get back to the routine, not what the holiday is over. Grateful for our beautiful Christmas tree.