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Showing posts from 2017
Lord, I am making it to 2017... I am grateful for...... big girls social life. I love that she is out and about, doing things. I love that she has made some new friends, who seem really nice. ...a really good Christmas. Not too much crazy. ---Aunt Candy. So, so grateful for Aunt Candy. She makes me feel really loved. New Year's Resolutions Stress less develop passive income go to Sweden don't let politics freak me out so much xoxoxo
I haven't posted in so long! I am grateful for..... ...Maddie having a Christmas party with new kids last night. ...Bonnie being able to hold down the fort so we could go to a party while Maddie went to a party.... ...My mom. I love her. ...Meeting the ladies from Sweden/hearing about the Gotenburg opportunity. Making that a goal for next year. Things are really changing here, in that Maddie is so much more independent. I really do feel like I am getting my life back. I love having time to myself. I love being able to take care of myself again. I've got some other things to work out, but basically very happy with where things are now.
Beach weekend! Two beautiful days at the beach....I'm grateful for that. Funny how different it is to go with friends vs when we go by ourselves. I love Little Monmouth, but the water/beach at Pt P is so nice-and the boardwalk is fun for the kids. Love watching the kids play together, that makes me happiest. Grateful for good friends like the Longs.
That vacation feeling.... We're going to VT in a few weeks, and I'm excited to take off from here and hopefully unplug for a bit. The last two weeks have gone a long way to restoring my equalibrium. I was really feeling stretched to the breaking point. Lots of annoyances. It's funny how you can't pinpoint what did the recharrging but I AM RECHARGED, for the most part but I'm still going to take care of myself for the next few weeks.
Today I am grateful... ...that my little girl is back from camp! ...that she had a great time! ...that she was receptive to the "powerful words" spoken at the campfire. ...that it sounds like such a positive environment for her. ...I love her so much. ....also, it was great to get a break for two weeks. I feel for more myself, more patient, and more happy.
I'm grateful for my little girl, I love her more than anything. I'm grateful that she's so outgoing and poised, I was so proud of her yesterday when Phil told me how she greeted him. I'm grateful that's she's so cute and makes me smile a lot of the time. Being a mom is the hardest thing ever. Worrying about someone else and not being able to fix things for her is just heartbreaking. She needs to fix things herself and I need to let her. But it's so hard to sit back and watch. It's so hard. I am really looking forward to the day where I feel light and happy and am free of all of this worry.
Grateful for my fun night shopping. Grateful for a good nights sleep! Grateful for my new hair. Grateful for the Gilmore Girls. Grateful for my sweet girl. Grateful to celebrate FAther's Day tomorrow.
I am grateful... ...for a few nights in the YOTEL ...for a great author dinner ....that everything at BEA went off without a hitch. Nice work, HL. ---grateful for BG. ...grateful for my friends. ...grateful for those peonies. ...grateful that summer is almost here!!! ...grateful that Maddie made the Sr team!
I am grateful... ...for my new paddleboard, and nice days to come down at the dock this summer. hear Maddie giggle with Julie, and be such a sweet girl today, even when she was with her friend. She was very nice when she was with Julie. ...that we went to Moby's and there was no line! ...grateful for this long weekend and even the rain made it that much more relaxing. ...also, grateful to be back at hot yoga. I feel taller!
Memorial Day weekend... I'm grateful that it's sunny! I'm grateful for Candice inviting us over last night Grateful that maddie was not crabby and was so cute and did all those dancing for us
I have to backtrack because I see I didn't post on or about my birthday, which was a VERY Special Day, indeed. Alan had to go away on a business trip. Maddie had the day off school. Alan took us out for breakfast and then flew off. That afternoon, Maddie had planned a very special day for me. First, we planned our dream vacations and showed each other our notes. It turns out, a mediterranean cruise is high on both of our lists. Then we did a sweet craft together, that is now hanging in my doorway.  Then, she took some time to tell me how special I am to her, and we cried and hugged. Then we went to the bookstore. Then she programmed an address into my gps which led me to the hibachi restaurant, and she bought me dinner. And all of the waitresses sang Happy, Happy Birthday to me. And they were all so impressed that she paid. I will remember it forever and I am so grateful to have such a sweet little girl.
I'm grateful I didn't live in 15th C England. I'm grateful I'm not part of Court Intrigue. I'm grateful for my sweet life here, that I have made, full of people and the books that I love
I'm grateful for  Baby Henry-he is sweet! I'm grateful for good weather every day of our trip. I'm grateful for how pretty that beach club area is. That's a nice destination.
I'm grateful for the new blog look. How pretty! I'm grateful that we had so much fun at the competition on Saturday. I'm grateful that next week is vacation. I'm grateful for Litchfield. I am going to buy some goodies to eat and drink down there, and maybe some fun nail polish, etc, and just relax and pamper myself. I'm grateful we re going to SC and I get to see the new baby!
I am grateful.... ...for some little things. ...Maddie holding my hand in Margaretville. ...Maddie giving me hugs and sitting on my lap last night. When she is good, she is very, very good! ...Time alone in Roxbury. I love it so much. ...Looking forward to Boston!
I am grateful that my stomach feels good. I am grateful that Dabney came up to Plattekill for the weekend. I am grateful to have gotten rid of most of what stresses me on FB. I am grateful for my Utah present. I am grateful that Alan is home.
Not New Year Resolutions.... but a few ideas about changes that I can make. -drink more green tea. drink more tea, period. It's awesome. -do that thing where you cook chicken on Monday and just eat it all week long. -do the same with a vegetable melange, and just keep it in a tupperware in the fridge to add. -YOGA -meditating.
I'm grateful for... ...Greta! How nice of her to let us have this weekend at her Catskill house. ...NYE in the Catskills. Wonderful! ...The big projector was so fun! ...Having nice friends at Platty. ...Having a great Christmas, and not feeling all run over and exhausted today. Happy.