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Showing posts from 2019
I am grateful for all of the nice gifts for my far! I am grateful for an energizing few days in NYC. I am grateful for a fun shopping trip with MaddieSkye. Grateful to Adriene for her generosity with the yoga. It helps. I miss my dad around now. :(
I am grateful that the heat is back on! That I only have a head cold and not the flu and that it's almost over That I got to spend the night in the Molly last night and Maddie enjoyed it so much.
I am grateful for.... ...ouch, coming up dry. I have to get back at the yoga, I can really feel the difference from when I stopped until now, physically, emotionally, definitely keeps me sane and whole and connected. Things that are bugging me.....M's school situation, my school volunteer situation, friend issues, that same old feeling of being stuck. Things that are good... A & I are getting along and pretty happy. Finances are not bad now that dance is done.   I just need something.