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Showing posts from 2014
I am grateful for... ...yesterdays trip to New Hope ...lunch out! ...that I climbed that tower all the way to the top ...that the holidays are over!
I am grateful that yesterday was not so bad. I am grateful for maddies kohls card. I am grateful for our nice day today, sleeping late and relaxing. I am grateful christmas is OVER! I am grateful i didnt blow my budget. Still got too crazy though. I am grateful for buffet in christmas day, much more civilized.
I am grateful that yesterday was only a 6/10 awful. I am grateful for steak! I am grateful for grandmas nest egg. Exciting. I am grateful,that maddie was so good yesterday. I amgrateful for our sweet talk Christmas night, that she does not want to ever grow up and leave us, that she always wants to stay with us. Please let us keep that spirit going. I am grateful for the Princess Bride.
I am grateful for Maddie's wonderful band concert. I am grateful that all my gifts are wrapped!! I am grateful that SANTA stopped by last night.
I am grateful That I got to go see Darlene Love last night! That I got to enjoy the beautiful Count Basie theater, that place is so gorgeous. What a great place to see a show! That Dot and Jack are here! Making our spirits bright!
I'm grateful to have a clean house, that I had a great bloody mary today, for a FANTASTIC play last night. NO bumps in the road.
It's Chanukah! Enjoy the holiday, friends. I am grateful for... Adam Sandler's Hanukah song. (See, I spelled it differently because I am really not sure what's right?)  I heard it in the car tonight and it made me laugh and also appreciate all the talented Jewish people in holiday. My Christmas cards are pretty! I had a great lunch with an old friend today, reconnected in a way we haven't in a long time. Fantastic time with my friend Jill yesterday. Good friends! I'm lucky! My house is cozy and inviting, getting the tree decorated tonight.
I am grateful... for a fantastic day in NYC yesterday, beautiful brunch with family, great time skating in Central Park. I'm grateful that I am so close to being done with my shopping. I'm grateful my sales are looking good!\
I am grateful for... live musicals on TV! Even if they are kind of weird. ;-0 all my Christmas decorations-OUT! It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas here... Madeline waking up and singing songs from Annie in bed. things working out with theater week at school. Beef stew today!
I am grateful that BLN is driving tonight. I am grateful for the fun night at Candace's. I'm grateful for how sweet my little girl is-and how cute she looks in her sparkly scarf.
I am grateful that I am SMART! I am grateful that I know that I can do anything I set my mind to. My life is up to me-not anybody else, and if I want something, I can just make it happen. I am grateful that my little girl was so elegant last night in her scarf and bun. Very professional. I am grateful for my mom and my sister.
I am grateful for Maddie's fun weekend with Maisy. I am grateful for a fun night with Lydia last night. I'm so grateful for the civilized day with our good friends. I am frustrated in dealing with my in-laws. What a bunch of crazy nutters.  I feel bad because there is no way i can figure out how to enjoy Christmas with them, unless i borrow a xanax from a friend. I trt not to take on their craziness, but its noteasy
Thanksgiving!  The big show of gratitude! I'm grateful for... my sweet, wonderful, beautiful daughter who dances for us after dinner, who sings and dances during DWTS, who still loves to play make believe. my dog for hogging the bed last night. coffee, for starting my day right. family, for coming over today. God, for taking care of Great-Grandma. my house, which is so nice, and comfortable. my job, for giving me so much as far as intellectual stimulation and travel and a salary, to boot. the nap I'm going to take later today, after turkey time.
Coming into the holidays and the season of Thankfulness! I've been trying to take the Pope's advice on living a good life, most notably with this    “Proceed calmly” through life-I love this. I definitely have a tendency to freak out, to go straight to the worst case scenario. The minute to minute of my life is awfully nice-I need to make an effort to be there in the moment and enjoy it-not worry about what might happen next. I am grateful for the AWESOME teacher conference we had.  I am grateful that Mrs. Becker did not say that Maddie should go into the resource room math. I am grateful to Shelley for watching Maddie while I was in Nashville.
Ups and downs. I have been so tired since my return from Frankfurt. Lots to be grateful for, even if I felt a bit heavy at times. I think the internet, particularly FB is depressing me, trying to turn that off. Im grateful to Alan for taking the family to see Mamma Mia Im grateful for delicious thai food in NYC Im grateful to be knitting, really enjoying it. Im grateful for all the library support.
I'm grateful that I'm going on an all expense paid trip to Europe tonight!!! Love my job. I'm grateful Maddie's arm is not broken. I'm grateful that the library is purged.
Grateful that I kept my patience tonight. Grateful that Maddie finished her homework! Success! Grateful for our silly walk on the way to bedtime. WAWAAAA!!! Grateful for a day with Jill.
I'm grateful for puppies. I'm grateful for a fun visit to Princeton, friends, and the book festival. I'm grateful for a relaxing Sunday at home.
I'm grateful for how helpful everyone is being with library. I'm grateful for knitting and outlander, such a random connection. I'm grateful for mads act scores. I'm grateful for a clean room for Maddie.
I'm grateful for snoring, smelly dog. I'm grateful for an uneventful 9/11. I'm grateful for some great days and passport arriving.
I'm grateful for D2, that was fun to watch together. I'm grateful for a delicious dinner last night. I'm grateful that I got to watch outlander. I need to figure out a better Labor Day next year.
I'm grateful for this wonderful three days at litchfield! just long enough to recharge! So nice to have breakfast made for me, and lots of fun options for Maddie right out our door. I'm grateful to my mom and Bob for taking care of us. I'm grateful my family has so many cars!
I am grateful got fun time with my family! I'm grateful for the lazy river and that moment of peace yesterday with the falling water. I'm grateful for free breakfast. I'm grateful for Kinsey and how funny she is. Grateful for how good Maddie is being! How simple things like night swims make her day.
I'm grateful for a good nights sleep. I'm grateful for my health. I'm grateful for a fun night on the water. I'm grateful for  Sofia.
I'm grateful that we are all strong enough to go on that beautiful bike ride yesterday. I'm grateful great grandma seems a little better. I'm grateful for quiet time with Maddie. I'm grateful to Lydia for taking her to the beach tomorrow.
Grateful for living with so much of everything, never really wanting, not knowing hunger! Grateful for .madelines kisses. Grateful for all this freedom, life is truly what I make of it.
I am grateful for a wonderful week on the Cape with dear friends. I'm grateful that the big girls were so kind to Maddie. I'm grateful for lobster. I'm grateful the dog was so well behaved. I'm grateful to be back at my beautiful house with better plumbing and the view, and the dock!! And dry sheets and non smelly carpet.
I'm thankful for a party to go to...the entertaining idea of moving...that a week from now ll be in cape cod with friends. I'm so tired. And I am so, so, so tired of a madeleines crap. I need  tovfind a way to her get her turned around. She needs a good mentor who is not me.
I'm grateful that Maddie likes rec. I'm grateful for good days of getting things done. I'm grateful for good nights sleep.
I'm grateful to have been invited to Lorne and Lisa's. I'm grateful Madeline got to run wild there. I'm grateful for Kate. I'm grateful for the long weekend. Grateful for fireworks!
I am grateful that Alan is riding his bike. I'm grateful that school is over. I'm grateful for my trip to Venice. :) Grateful to have experienced Las Vegas!
I'm grateful for Sonja and Paul. Grateful that I relaxed this weekend. Grateful school is ALMOST over and that I'll be there for the last day.
I'm grateful the board meeting went well. Grateful for Elle's visit. Grateful that my pasta was good, Grateful Alan's feeling better.
So grateful for my awesome job. NSB has taken me to Frankfurt, Nashville, Zurich, Bologna, New Orleans, Minneapolis, Chicago, the Carle museum, Florida! and the YOTEL. grateful for a good lunch today Grateful to be home!
I am grateful for my mom and sister coming to visit. I am grateful that the recital/lunch went smoothly yesterday. I am grateful that Boots found a home.
I'm grateful for friends. I'm grateful for little girls. I'm grateful for s'mores. I'm grateful for parades! Crossing my fingers for the beach later today.
I'm grateful for all the excitement. I'm grateful to be in charge. I'm grateful for grilled chicken and half days. Grateful that I feel good. Grateful that I have fun BEA plans.
I am grateful for opportunity. I'm grateful for Andrew. I'm grateful for all of the great places I've gone over the last few years. I'm grateful.
I'm grateful for lilacs. I'm grateful for this job opportunity. I'm grateful for rainy soft days and looking out my window. Yesterday was a difficult day. I have a job opportunity, which is great, but a little stressful. All iof Maddie's activities are culminating on the same day in June.  All my babysitters turned me down for Saturday night. I had two glasses of wine before bed to lose my knot of tension. Today already seems better.
I'm grateful for my good nights sleep. I'm grateful for my comfy house. I'm grateful for coffee. I'm grateful to have my reservations done. I'm grateful for the publicity people.
I'm grateful to be home, for all of Maddie's affection, and for neelam. I'm grateful the truck lives. I'm sad the blossoms are done.
I am grateful for the Easter Bunny. Grateful that Maddie's not too big to dye eggs. I'm grateful for strawberry shortcakes. I'm grateful for time on the beach yesterday. I'm grateful for a day with my family.
I am grateful for a great day in williamsburg. I'm grateful for my birthday gift. I'm grateful for a few days off in the sun. I'm grateful for the silly fun of the Yankee candle store.
I'm grateful for a few days off. I'm grateful for a wonderful sunny weekend in DC. I'm grateful that the catalog is done.
Depressed tonight, not feeling very content at all. I'm grateful that Madeline went through with hockey. I'm grateful that she is better. I'm grateful for a sunny day. I'm grateful I have enough for the taxes.
I'm grateful for good work days. I'm grateful for Alan bringing home dinner. I'm grateful that Maddie's been such a good patient.
I'm grateful for a lazy day on the couch yesterday. That Madeline had a great time camping. That today us still the weekend...whoohoo! Also, two fun movies this weekend. Nice cozy chatnwith Alan last night.
I'm grateful for the beach club...we will have the best summer! Grateful for no rain on mads camp out. Grateful for the fun dinner and movie last night. Grateful for this nice quiet morning with my coffee and pooch.
I'm grateful that  Grandma is ok, I'm grateful I could see Mimi yesterday. I'm grateful to Bonnie for babysitting. I'm grateful to Maddie for being sooooo cute.
I am grateful for that energizing and exciting talk with Tara. I'm grateful for Madeline having great friends in the Stavolas and a sleepover tonight. I'm grateful that Grandma is okay.
I'm grateful for Tara. I'm grateful for finding someone who thinks like me. I'm grateful that Maddie has great friends and sleepovers.
I am grateful for a beautiful day with no calls or meetings! Woohoo! I'm grateful for the video if Kinsey walking. I'm grateful for that hot, soaky bath last night and a deep nights sleep. All my reading last night kept pointing me back to let go and let God...I absolutely acknowledge that there's a higher power out there, but how do you know when it's time to push and when it's time to trustIn the universe? Ponder, ponder.
I'm grateful for me, I am pretty awesome and I made a great corned beef last night with fun cupcakes. I'm grateful for my fiestaware. I'm grateful for Beth.
I'm grateful for girls weekend, with Maddie!! I'm grateful for my okra pick. :) I'm grateful for my trip to Las Vegas. I'm grateful for all the fun ali brown freebies. Lots to think about.
I am grateful for no jury duty. Grateful to have today off. Grateful to have gotten almost all of the cookies out!
I'm grateful for my makeover yesterday. Things I learned...eyebrows, brightening eyeshadow, and contouring. It was fun to look thirty again! I'm grateful for the okra pick, rarely do my actions get such immediate results. I'm grateful for dot, who loves and understands me.
Today I am grateful that Alan is getting better, that I have some pretty new yarn to play with, and that the presales presentation is over. I'm grateful that Nick handles the info upload. Who inspired me this week? Nobody. Now awful. Victories this week? Presales complete. RBF mobile Stumbles: Stock offer One thing I did to build my OWN brand? Downloaded goal setting kit.
Today I am grateful for... Sonja's visit Wine Getting stuff done That the day is done Wow...really rotten day today. Don't have too many of those, something else to be grateful for. I'm locked and loaded for more  to come this week. Maybe I can go to the gym and sauna tomorrow.
I am grateful that I could be there for Kinsey's party! I'm grateful to sleep in my own bed last night. I'm grateful that Madeline was such a good girl this weekend. I'm grateful for steak!!
I'm grateful for Bonnie! I'm grateful that Madeline finished her report. I'm grateful for the voice. I'm grateful for our cute party outfits. I'm grateful for my new office in the window. I'm grateful for the storage facility.
I'm grateful for Madeline's expert report book party, and how well she did. I'm grateful for little pickle, helping me see things new ways. I'm grateful to IPS for listening.
When you are clear on your purpose and what's driving you, you're operating at your highest level. Don't see things as negative, it's about your perception, express and experience, use your experiences Morning rituals -start with meditation, breakfast, journaling, stretching, peaceful, goal setting. Clarity connect with yourself serve yourself first Your  soul is here to serve! On feeling restless when you should be relaxed. Affirmations Monetize your purpose Get help, get a mentor Work on your moneystory, surround yourself with women, and books, and resources and go for it. Who are you trying yo serve, who you are, who is you're best client and how do you serve them. What could my morning ritual be?
I'm grateful for these podcasts and Erin Peluso. I'm grateful that I have this week at home and then ALL of March and most of April! I'm grateful that my expenses are done. I'm so looking forward to SC! I'm grateful that my fund increased, and that I am on top of my finances. I'm grateful that Alan is fully recovered from the surgery we were dealing with a year ago.
All energy we broadcast, goes out to the universe and comes back. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotion, feel and think deliberately. Think and believe what you want to create. Don't feed a negative cycle. Think I want to in a vibe of what you do want. More than visualizing, align what you want with your reality. Lower level emotions keep you from being great. Accept life and let love and joy flow. The truth of the universe is there is no lack and you can create anything. Where ever you are in your life, you will always want to create more. Satisfaction combined with desire for more is good. Be in the now, without anxiety... Connect to potential all the time. Relinquish control to the universe Duality...focus on what you want, not the lack of it. Treat money like an important person in your life, pay attention to it, enjoy it, acknowledge it. Let go of limiting beliefs. If you're frustrated or negative, taking a moment to deal with it, and then mov
I'm grateful that my papers weren't worse! I'm grateful my IRA made some money. I'm grateful Maddie moved up  in skating. I'm grateful that I will be in SC next weekend!
I'm grateful for MORE SNOW!!! I'm grateful that Bonnie is going to help me next week. I'm grateful to be me. I have a wonderful life. Good friends. I love my family. I'm grateful to go to SC next week!
I'm grateful for my perfume, and a great valentines day. For a fun day of skiing, a cute cabin good friends. Madeline's good report card.
I am grateful that this trip is finally happening!!! Grateful for Samuel L Jackson making me laugh. Grateful for a sweet kiss from my girl this morning.
I am grateful for chicken soup. I'm grateful that I work from home and I can enjoy these snowstorms. I'm grateful for my sweet little girl and her huggies. I'm grateful for early nights!
Today I am grateful for a grow up work weekend away. I'm grateful for Madelineshappy song and dance after dinner. I'm grateful for happy memories of Casey, and another ten minutes to snuggle this dog.
I'm grateful To be home. For a half day at school. For more snow! I'm grateful to Alan for loading up the car and driving us home. I'm grateful to Alan for taking good care of us at the mountain. Wonderful weekend in Vermont. Wish I'd skied abut better but still fun.
I'm grateful for Vermont, for getting away, for Alan spending the whole day with Maddie yesterday. I'm grateful Madeline's awesome skiing and climbing skills...she is really growing up. I'm grateful that Alan and I are harmonious
I am grateful for breakfast with a friend. I am grateful for my storage facility, I am grateful  for cozy warm pajamas. I am grateful for those two great dinners that Alan cooked.
I'm grateful for... A good nights sleep Back to school today My awesome, enormous couch A beautiful morning at church. So, pursuant to making life changes Madeline and I went to church yesterday. I liked it, I like the pastors message, I like being back with the Presbyterians and not having to kneel. I miss all Saints though. I miss that beautiful little building and father Shakespeare.  But this church is also lovely and warm, and the message is right on. The pastor spoke about epiphany being the time for letting light into all your dark places and transforming yourself. He spoke about how we are all on a journey of transformation that never ends. I know I have more to do, but I think just going there helps me to shine that light.  My dark places are  discontent and loneliness and disconnection. Going through the motions without really living. I think my next step will be to really get involved with this church, and find a way to make a difference.
I'm grateful for my friends. I'm grateful that I'm still optimistic. I'm grateful for my beautiful, Christmasy house. I'm grateful for smooth jazz!!
I'm grateful for... Lazy  couch day, watching hockey. A lovely party last night with lobster! A hot hot hot bath that was delicious. A sweet little girl who gives the best hugs. A gassy little black dog. A husband who is trying verrrry hard. A delicious shrimp, feta, orzo dinner. More great chocolate. I am spoiled!