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Showing posts from February, 2014
I'm grateful for Bonnie! I'm grateful that Madeline finished her report. I'm grateful for the voice. I'm grateful for our cute party outfits. I'm grateful for my new office in the window. I'm grateful for the storage facility.
I'm grateful for Madeline's expert report book party, and how well she did. I'm grateful for little pickle, helping me see things new ways. I'm grateful to IPS for listening.
When you are clear on your purpose and what's driving you, you're operating at your highest level. Don't see things as negative, it's about your perception, express and experience, use your experiences Morning rituals -start with meditation, breakfast, journaling, stretching, peaceful, goal setting. Clarity connect with yourself serve yourself first Your  soul is here to serve! On feeling restless when you should be relaxed. Affirmations Monetize your purpose Get help, get a mentor Work on your moneystory, surround yourself with women, and books, and resources and go for it. Who are you trying yo serve, who you are, who is you're best client and how do you serve them. What could my morning ritual be?
I'm grateful for these podcasts and Erin Peluso. I'm grateful that I have this week at home and then ALL of March and most of April! I'm grateful that my expenses are done. I'm so looking forward to SC! I'm grateful that my fund increased, and that I am on top of my finances. I'm grateful that Alan is fully recovered from the surgery we were dealing with a year ago.
All energy we broadcast, goes out to the universe and comes back. Pay attention to your thoughts and emotion, feel and think deliberately. Think and believe what you want to create. Don't feed a negative cycle. Think I want to in a vibe of what you do want. More than visualizing, align what you want with your reality. Lower level emotions keep you from being great. Accept life and let love and joy flow. The truth of the universe is there is no lack and you can create anything. Where ever you are in your life, you will always want to create more. Satisfaction combined with desire for more is good. Be in the now, without anxiety... Connect to potential all the time. Relinquish control to the universe Duality...focus on what you want, not the lack of it. Treat money like an important person in your life, pay attention to it, enjoy it, acknowledge it. Let go of limiting beliefs. If you're frustrated or negative, taking a moment to deal with it, and then mov
I'm grateful that my papers weren't worse! I'm grateful my IRA made some money. I'm grateful Maddie moved up  in skating. I'm grateful that I will be in SC next weekend!
I'm grateful for MORE SNOW!!! I'm grateful that Bonnie is going to help me next week. I'm grateful to be me. I have a wonderful life. Good friends. I love my family. I'm grateful to go to SC next week!
I'm grateful for my perfume, and a great valentines day. For a fun day of skiing, a cute cabin good friends. Madeline's good report card.
I am grateful that this trip is finally happening!!! Grateful for Samuel L Jackson making me laugh. Grateful for a sweet kiss from my girl this morning.
I am grateful for chicken soup. I'm grateful that I work from home and I can enjoy these snowstorms. I'm grateful for my sweet little girl and her huggies. I'm grateful for early nights!