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Showing posts from 2016
...grateful for the sweet sound of little girls laughing ...maisy and kayla here ....teen skate night ....platty and snow tomorrow
Grateful for someone else seeing that 'tude and dealing with it. Grateful to go up to Platty. Grateful for corn flakes. Grateful our coffee order came! Grateful for xmas gifts. Grateful for a fun family party.
Grateful for...... ........time with my friends. .......laughter with Alan at Ikea ........less family agitah than usual ham.
I am grateful for.... ----a fun night at the Ranger game! ----a happy little girl, hearing her giggle over snapchat makes me happy. ----sleeping late today! I'm grateful for this fall break!
I am so, so grateful and happy about Madeline's grades! I am grateful that I got to see my BFF yesterday. I am grateful that Bayshore seems really nice! I am grateful for all of the communication from Bayshore. I'm grateful to be invited out Friday night.
Things I love about this place... ...the beach ...Highlands & Twin Lights ...Rumson  ...Flaky Tart & French Bakery ...Red Bank ...Victory Park ...Deep Cut Gardens
I'm grateful for.... ....a fun night last night, seeing Joann and all. ....that summer is flying by! ....that the B's are going to visit us in the Catskills. .....that work is so calm.
I am grateful.... That Alan and I are going on a date! That we're trying a new place. That I have a babysitter. That Maddie had fun with Donna last night, and I got a break and now tonight I have another break. Yeah! I'm grateful for this weather, and the most beautiful beach day yesterday.
I am grateful... ...that I am not ill. ...that I am sweet and not unpleasant. ...that I am young. ...grateful for a fun day with Kayla. ...grateful to see jill tomorrow.
Grateful for a fantastic day in Cony Island yesterday. For finally getting our hot dogs. For an ocean that was just perfect for me.
I am grateful for.... a good nights sleep. coffee, coffee, coffee... Maddie's bad mood evaporating. Setting a course for sweetness and light here.
I am grateful for..... ...Maisymouse taking the heat off me. ...all that cooking last night was fun. ....the pool at the marina. So easy and nice! ....a little quiet time with "the boss" on vacation.
Today I am grateful...... for Crazees. for steak. for fresh tomato sandwiches. For a period that's gotta end soon! Can't stop eating!
Today I am grateful.... That Alan took Maddie out for an adventure That I get to stay home under the covers that someone is coming for the bed tomorrow I remain always grateful for coffee I am grateful my dinner was delicious, even if it gave me diarrhea I am grateful for my sweet doggy I am grateful for how well my little girl handled her disappointment over not getting a speaking part. Love her.
I am grateful.... for funny penguin movies for nights with my family for every day that nothing bad happens to us I'm grateful for people like Bernie Sanders I'm grateful for friends. xo
Ups and downs i'm grateful for the new loft and a great deal from Craigs List! i'm grateful for a wonderful dinner at a beautiful place last night. i'm grateful for Alan's enthusiasm and fun ideas for this party. I'm sad that M is having such a tough time connecting, just like me. I'm sad when she is lonely. I'm sad that I don't know how to fix this. It sucks for me to feel like I don't fit in, I'm sure it's worse for her.
Today I am grateful for.... ....seeing that blue heron outside cold and crisp dark and stormy after the beach ....Maisy Mouse here in my house ....Just feeling happy....
I am grateful for..... ....connecting with a friend yesterday on the floor with Maddie last night .....that Maddie loves sailing lessons ......that I wrote The End on my book ....that I've found a nice online writing community ......that I'm going out tonight!
I am grateful for parties and sangria and nice people... I am grateful for neighbor-friends I am grateful for beautiful weather I am grateful to be invited to the beach!
I am grateful I have Ali to text. I am grateful that I'm halfway organized for this trip. I am grateful for a good day yesterday at the awards. I'm sad Maddie is still having friend problems, even though this year was WAY better than last year. I'm sad we don't really connect with people around here. I'm sad that I can't fix it.
It is so incredibly beautiful this morning, it should be a great Father's Day. Sunshine and mild temperatures and lovely creek is full and everything is green and gorgeous as far as the eye can see. My petunias are off the hook and there's a hummingbird over at the arbor, drinking honeysuckle. The other birds are on the feeder and right now there is a squirrel perched on the arbor, I'm curious what his next move will be? A flying leap onto the big tree behind? It's a little theater of wildlife out here, watching the squirrel acrobats and the birds fly.
Today I am grateful... ...that my little girl is polite and articulate and so good with the old folks. ...that yesterday was a fun day and the kids seemed to have fun. ...that Poppy enjoyed himself. ...I am grateful for the hammock! ...I am grateful that I can still move and shake. ...I'm grateful for our Harry Potter read aloud last night, and even more grateful that Maddie suggested we do it.
Today, I am grateful for...... ...Ethiopian food! ....a lovely few minutes at the farmer's market. ....just feeling happy inside, even though my P came. Is that from the hypnosis audio?
I am grateful..... .....that school is almost over! .....that Alan paid for sailing camp! .....that Maddie and Maisy were all curled up like buds today. .....I'm grateful for the Rap Crew, LOL, and that she made some good friends this year. .....I'm grateful for the nice coffee house in AH! .....I'm grateful to be writing. .....I'm grateful A's over his pissy mood! ......I'm feeling happy!
I am grateful for a big fun family wedding! Grateful my dad came! Grateful to see Tara's girls....and Katie's... Grateful for a fun NYC day with Maddie and a day to myself tomorrow!
Everything will be just fine..... I am grateful for a day on the couch. I was tired and I needed it. It felt good to relax and it felt good to work on my book for a bit. I am grateful that I don't have to make dinner tonight. I am grateful that I found that advocate and can hopefully let her handle the iEP meeting. I am grateful for Sonja and the color run and a great breakfast with the kids this weekend. I think I am depressed, it's hard to do things and I feel like I'm swimming through peanut butter.
Not a gratitude post but I am tired and my mind is going in circles. I am so worried about what will happen with school, and what kind of long term effects it will have. Looking for ways to keep Maddie's spirit intact and build mine back up. I feel stuck and panicked. I don't know how to make things change.
I am grateful......... ...for a few days of girls only living at home. ...that Alan likes his new job, and has this opportunity to go away. ...that it is the home stretch for the PARCC and almost over. ....that we are having a follow up IEP meeting. ....that so many people are willing to help me when I need it. ....that Makara can babysit tomorrow.
Today I am grateful ... For my little girl's big win at the science fair-could not have come at a better time. Things do happen when you need them. Thank you, God. Thanks for the sign. I'm sorry I doubted. For a really great weekend, after a rough week. A nice date night Friday and a night to myself last night....ahhh........ For an upcoming week as a single lady. Ah.......
I am thankful..... that we found that rubric before it was too late. that Alan and I are on the same page. that I work from home. Today, I am really sad. I am feeling really defeated and bad about everything. I know tomorrow will be better, and I know my issues are relatively small, but I am sad none the less.
I am grateful..... for a fun day with friends! for recognizing that I have created a life that is as peaceful as can be, and satisfying on many levels. for red, red wine......... fun night!
I am grateful for.... sweet little girl who wanted to take care of me last night, when I didn't feel good. cyberfriend Kim for all the info on the IEP process. .....almost being done with Navesink. I cannot wait to get out of there.
I am grateful.... for an unforgettable day at the White House Easter Egg Roll! for time with my family for that great dinner at Jaleo and brunch at Sequoia--my foodie urge is totally satisfied for a while. for my visit with SC relatives beautiful sunsets at Ashley's house fun times with Kinsey relaxing with my mom and Bob and a not too terrible drive home!
I am open and receptive to all the abundance in the universe! I am grateful for.... ...a flawless (!) glow stick dance on Friday night. Well done, Maddie and Ella! ...a fun sleepover for her on Saturday, and a new friend. ...a great sleepover idea that is generating a lot of excited planning ...crackalacking on my book, feeling like I am going to finish that first draft. ...Spring-it is here!
I am grateful... That I've been feeling so happy! That Ali is better. That Madeline is in a better place this year, with more friends.
Today I am grateful... ...that the tax appeal is done! ...that Gino helped me with the tax appeal! ...for Chinese food! ...for pre-owned Audis!
I am so grateful to be here in Denver, for the gorgeous day yesterday, for my night with Alison! I am grateful that Kwame is here, and to spend time with him. I am grateful for my family, supporting me, loving me! I am going to do great things EVERY day for love.
I sold out the first print run of SU! More books will be here soon! B&N came in for SU when they said it couldn't be done! Heading off to WI this weekend, for a totally new experience! The house in Plattekill is supercute, smells good, decorated beautifully. That little desk area is the perfect place to work on my book. Madeline is happy and healthy and having a fun year. I have so much to be grateful for right now!