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I've been a bit gratitude challenged lately, which I know is bad when I have been so lucky and have so much to be grateful for...I thought maybe if I took the time to write things down I could turn my attitude around.

I'm grateful for my family, especially Madeline and Alan. 

Alan is a good soul, and he gives a lot, and he's very kind.  He's funny, and he makes the world a better place.  He helps people, and he works hard.

Madeline is full of energy!  She loves to entertain us, she loves to give me hugs, she loves to snuggle at night and tell secrets.  She loves her friends and dancing and I love hearing her laugh and watching her sing and dance.

I'm grateful that Hurricane Sandy didn't damaage my home or the boat!  Thank you, God, for that.  They say that God doesn't deal out more than people can take, and I wonder if He knew that I've been on the edge lately and couldn't handle that kind of disaster again?

I'm grateful for good good friends who take care of us like family when we need it.  It was so nice to visit our friends in DC and enjoy their heat and fabulous home and laugh with them.

I'm grateful for face paint.  Nothing makes Madeline as happy as getting her face painted!  I'm grateful for the incredible event at the Two River Theater yesterday, fun and free!

I'm grateful for all of the wonderful people in my community who have been helping pull this area back together, working hard to put all the devastation behind us.

I'm grateful for the pretty view in back of my house...haven't had a lot of time to enjoy it the past few weeks, but I know I'll spend lots of hours looking out at the creek this winter.

I'm grateful for that wonderful and productive trip to Nashville last week.  Having the opportunity to catch up on my rest in the hotel, and having a quiet, peaceful evening at the Green Hills Mall was a nice moment to myself.

I'm grateful for Nancy Scharff giving Madeline the opportunity to sing.  I love taking her to rehearsals and listening in.

I'm grateful for my job, and all the positive stuff that comes with it.  A great boss, flexibility, lovely coworkers, interesting work.  I am grateful for all of that.

I'm grateful for Sadie, the best little black dog in the world!  She makes me smile every day.


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