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I'm grateful for...
A good nights sleep
Back to school today
My awesome, enormous couch
A beautiful morning at church.

So, pursuant to making life changes Madeline and I went to church yesterday. I liked it, I like the pastors message, I like being back with the Presbyterians and not having to kneel. I miss all Saints though. I miss that beautiful little building and father Shakespeare.  But this church is also lovely and warm, and the message is right on. The pastor spoke about epiphany being the time for letting light into all your dark places and transforming yourself. He spoke about how we are all on a journey of transformation that never ends.

I know I have more to do, but I think just going there helps me to shine that light.  My dark places are  discontent and loneliness and disconnection. Going through the motions without really living.

I think my next step will be to really get involved with this church, and find a way to make a difference.


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